A Success Shower: What it is and why you should throw one.

We have long been celebrating engagements, weddings and babies (which are incredibly exciting and important life events) but have missed out on celebrating other milestones - like career changes or advancements, moving to a new city or travelling abroad. This brings us to a new kind of shower, a success shower. The idea comes from Brooke Azzaro on TikTok, where she and several of her friends gathered together to celebrate milestones they have accomplished. Using the same traditional shower ideas of gifts, cute decorations and games but with the twist of celebrating one another’s accomplishments. This type of shower recognizes other events that often aren’t celebrated but are just as important milestones in a person's life. Here are some of our tips for how to bring a success shower together: 

1. Pick Your People

Choose the people you want to celebrate with. That could be co-workers, friends, family, or whoever you want to bring together to celebrate the accomplishments you have made as well as theirs. 

2. Choose Your Space and Decor

Decided where you want to be and how you want to decorate. If you are celebrating new jobs, plan around that. If it's travel, make it an all-around-the-world themed event. Whatever the occasion is make that the focal point for your celebration. 

3. Plan the Food

Just like how there is traditional shower food, pick your favourites (and add your own twist) to make the food a highlight of the night. Whether that is a charcuterie board, ice cream bar, or a fun cocktail, choose what will be the best fit for you and your group. 

4. Invent Your Games

Maybe it's your favourite shower game - but with a career or travel or moving twist. In Brooke’s video they did a white elephant exchange but with the theme of female empowerment. Pinterest is always a great go-to for these types of events. 

5. Celebration Slide Show

End the night by celebrating everyone. Make a fun slide show and have each person at your shower celebrate the milestones they have accomplished, whatever they are. This is time for you all to turn to one another and support the achievements you have all made - milestones matter and celebrating them is even more critical. You want each person to feel seen and their accomplishments to be made known. 

6. Bring in Backup

You don’t want to plan something like this all on your own. Hannah & I are happy to help, so head to our contact us page and see how we can help you bring your success shower to life. 


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